Do you work out and want to look like you work out?  You're in the right place.

Sign up now!
We get started on October 21st.

Your physique should represent the hard work you put in.

A strong physique that screams “Work Ethic”.

Rocking a JLO booty that makes them question how much you can squat.

Wearing the crop top, and feeling comfortable working out in a sports bra!

You’re capable of having defined arms, a tight core, and perky booty.


For my ladies, the issue is:

  • You enjoy eating healthy, but eating "clean" at 1,200-1,600 calories and macros has you stuck not building the bad ass shape you want
  • Lifting weights is a priority in life, but doing added cardio, two-a-days, or more WODs seems like a never ending hole that isn't sustainable nor works
  • You enjoy researching and picking up tips from fitness influencers, but are overwhelmed by one-off tips and don’t know how to piece it all together to create a Nutrition Strategy that's custom to you
  • You've heard eating enough is the first part of the process, but nervous on how to implement that phase without gaining body fat
  • Every few weeks you try random efforts that result in some days being skinnier and some days fluffier, but never truly changing your body composition
  • You're professional, smart, like to be efficient, and want to be empowered to make decisions yourself, but every other plan just gives "rules", a meal plan, or macros with none of the science or why behind it
  • Dinner dates, being social, and traveling are also part of your life, but you're wondering where's the line when it comes to balance, how much can you actually have?
  • You're an executer, you can follow 100% any plan, but if you deviate, you feel guilty for being "bad", but really you're just lacking the knowledge to live life and make progress instead of being "on" or "off"

You're capable of taking your shape to the next level now, you just need to learn how.

The typical advice to "eat less and move more" does not apply to you. You need more fine-tuned tools to create a more fine-tuned shape.

You need the Nutrition Strategy, a science-based plan for ladies who lift.

When you implement the Nutrition Strategy in Create Your Shape, you can rely on the top tweaks that are the most important to create lifelong changes, instead of doing 2-a-days, added cardio, restricting carbs, and only eating clean.

It doesn’t require doing more, just doing less with more intention.

Being a "fit chick" can become who you are and how you operate when you implement the Nutrition Strategy, have the Nutrition Knowledge, and create your Nutrition Routine.

Create Your Shape

Create Your Shape is a 4 month Nutrition Coaching 1x1/Group program to build muscle and decrease body fat for ladies who lift.

Create Your Shape provides the nutrition process, teachings, and premium coaching to:


Change your Body Composition


Understand how Nutrition Works for Someone Who Lifts


Create a Nutrition Routine that Runs on Auto-Pilot

The Lifetime Value...

We're creating your strong and fierce shape now.  Spend less time adding on unnecessary workouts and overanalyzing your intake, and more time feeling confident in your shape and what training and nutrition decisions to make.  Understand food to go out to eat with friends and family with ease.  Feel sexy in front of your partner, or be excited to wear that new bikini now!

This is just the beginning

  • Learning the Strategy sets you up to create compounding results.  Your shape should be improving year after year.  You will learn the strategy to create compounding results for the rest of your life. This is how my physique looks better now than it did in my bikini shows.
  • You'll have the knowledge and routine to remove the mental exhaustion every single time you eat, try on clothes, or work out. You'll know exactly what to do from now on. It will be who you are.
  • This benefits your shape, performance, and health for years to come. There are 80-year-olds running ironmans, and there are some who are on bed rest. How are you choosing to age?
  • The compounding efforts are also the reason to not waste time and get started right away. Just like the stock market, it's better to invest earlier than to invest more later.

We will use customized macros and eat a lot of REAL FOOD.

This is NOT a 30 day crash diet, I apply a Nutrition Strategy using Customized Macro Targets and my Foundational Eating Guidelines.

“Going on a quick diet” is not going to build a shape, every athlete knows it takes a more thoughtful strategy to get long-lasting results.

This is why I’ve created a 4 month program where I consider a Nutrition Strategy that aligns to your Training Program and each month has a specific intention, creating long-term change.

No foods are technically off limits and you will be given guidance on drinks, treats, events, eating out and vacations. You will be expected to track your food and make changes. There will be periods where you are more dialed in, and weeks that are more relaxed.

This is how I’ve transformed my look and created a lean and little curvy physique, and I’ve helped so many of my clients create the shape they desire too!


I feel like I really know my body so much better now and understand what impacts me in what way and why. The knowledge that I have gained throughout these four months is invaluable.

I have learned so much throughout these four months. I think one of my biggest takeaways was better understanding the "why" associated with the changes I was making to my nutrition. I went into this knowing that it would be challenging and I would have to change my thinking and mindset in several ways (i.e., eating more, food as fuel, etc.). The shift that I have seen in the way in which I view food and nutrition has been one of my biggest takeaways. I find myself quoting you often, Jenny! 🙂 You are your average...your body will crave what you continuously give it...project yourself 20 minutes into the future... these statements have truly impacted me so much and I find that they really have guided me and helped me to stay on track throughout the program.

I now understand that I wasn't seeing the changes that I wanted to see prior to CYS because I wasn't changing my body composition and actually CREATING my shape. The changes that I have seen for the first time in a long time have been awesome, both physically and mentally. I also know that I needed to put more of a structure in place, which the program has allowed me to do. Knowing the strategy and implementing it over the past few months has truly been life-changing for me. The way that I think about food, training, and all aspects of health and fitness will never be the same!


This is for you if...

You are wanting to increase lean muscle, decrease body fat, and improve your performance in the gym


You consistently work out and have a healthy relationship with food. You've tried tracking macros and eating clean.


You still don't have the strong and lean shape to show for it. The shape that screams "I work out" when you walk into the room.

You are lacking the knowledge, structure, and plan to take your physique to the next level.

This is the program you need to Create Your Shape.

Best for:

  • Female
  • Consistently lifting at least 4x per week
  • May have 5 - 30lbs of body fat to lose, want to build muscle, change body composition
  • Want to understand nutrition & track macros
  • Clean bill of health
Jenny on the Ropes
Jenny Squatting | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

The Process To Your Transformation


Eat Enough

  • 99% of my ladies (yes, even you) aren’t eating enough to support their shapes.  To build muscle you need a stimulus to force the muscle to break down and build back stronger (lifting) and enough of the materials available for the muscle to rebuild (eating enough)

  • I assign your custom calories and macro plan and updates to ensure you have the correct amount of materials available for you.

  • Eating more doesn’t make you fat, we track your metrics every week in your dashboard and see how your body is responding. Most of my ladies are up 500+ calories per day and have only improved their body composition.


Align Your Training

  • Your training should align with your nutrition and the shape you want to create.  Different training modalities, cycles, and exercises can be optimized to create your shape.

  • We optimize your nutrition to get the most out of your physique and performance goals.  I also provide Training Guidance to ensure both your workouts and nutrition align to your goals.  (i.e. how to get more out of the workouts you’re already doing OR training style, accessory work, or program recommendations based on goals, schedule, equipment access.)

Eat, build and create shape | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Deficit and final package | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

Implement a Nutrition Strategy

  • A week of eating clean or 30 days challenges will not create a shape, we aren’t focused on temporary weight loss, we’re focused on the long-term strategy to truly change body compositions.

  • In a Nutrition Strategy, there are periods of higher intake and lower intake and effort. I map out your custom plan over 4 months to align with this strategy and make updates based on how your body responds.

  • If ready, you may also enter into a calorie deficit phase.
  • The 3 Steps to Creating Your Shape tells you EXACTLY what to do to make the changes. This is the science. However, you’re also social and smart, you’ll learn to balance this in with life and learn the why.
  • Along with your custom 1x1 plan, we implement this program like a college course. I will also be teaching you The Strategy needed for active ladies like you and The System to create a nutrition routine that runs on auto-pilot. Create Your Shape in an empowered and sustainable way.
  • After the program, you’ll have a whole new understanding of nutrition to create compounding results for years to come.

What you can expect from the program

Design 2
CYS Sales Page Design

Bloodwork Review (Optional)

Your body is a machine that manages the inputs (like training and nutrition) to create the outputs (like muscle mass, body fat, energy, health, etc.).  We want to make sure your body's systems (aka your machine) is running top-notch. After you get your blood drawn you will send me the results (I provide instructions on how to get this down yourself at LabCorp). Then, I review your thyroid, sex hormones, blood count, glucose/insulin, lipid panel, metabolic panel, and more. This will provide insights and influence your nutrition, training, lifestyle, and supplement guidance to increase your ability to build muscle, decrease body fat, and improve overall health. 

(Note: The bloodwork review and plan is included in the program but the client will be responsible for getting their blood drawn which ranges from $0 - $250. This is OPTIONAL.)

Your Dashboard + Personalized Macro Plan

Personalized macro targets (Protein, Carbs, Fat), based on your specific goals, body type, measurements, workouts, job activity, and more! You will have a custom dashboard that houses all of your information, comparison photos, metrics, and macros.  You will receive updated macros throughout the program based on your strategy and your body's response. 

Nutrition Strategy and Training Optimization

We will have a dedicated call reviewing your custom Nutrition Strategy to reach your goals and discuss ways to optimize your training for your shape goals. This may include program suggestions but does not require you to change your training program.

Weekly Check-in Form

Each week I’ll be checking in via a form to collect quantitative and qualitative metrics and photos, to hold you accountable, see how your progress is going, if updates are needed, and see where you need coaching. 

Weekly 1 hr Group Coaching Call

We teach, coach, connect, make updates, and transform during our weekly group zoom call. This is a powerful setting with your group of like-minded ladies. On the same journey, you will be inspired by each other and connect on the struggles. It's encouraged to attend live, however, all replays are immediately available.  

Tool Kit

Each week we will briefly cover a new teaching topic to help you succeed long-term. Each topic is clearly laid out on a visual page or in a short video. All of these tools are stored in your Tool Kit. By the end, you'll have a new understanding of nutrition, and tools for any social event that may occur.

Facebook Group

A close community of like-minded go-getters who are on this journey with you.

Access to a Nutritionist for your specific questions

You always have access to ask me specific questions in your check-in, on our weekly group call, or in our Facebook group.

When you join, get immediate access to the Foundational Guidelines to start making changes now, along with instructions to order your Bloodwork and Dexa Scan to start fine-tuning your shape.

Click the video to get an Inside Look



Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist


Pay once at sign-up.



1st half at sign-up, 2nd half 30 days later.



6-month payment plan.

This is not a meal plan you forget about, this is a complete reframe of nutrition and how you make decisions every single day. It will change how you feel in your skin and the quality of your days for the rest of your life.

My ladies treat this program as a college course. The one they wish they had where they receive exactly what to implement, get the education for why, and receive professional coaching along the way.

Bloodwork Review + Plan
(Blood drawn is not included)

Personalized Dashboard + Macro Plan

Custom Nutrition Strategy & Training Optimization

Weekly Check-in Form

Weekly Group Zoom Calls

Create Your Shape Facebook Community

Access to a Licensed Nutritionist

Tool Kit

Jenny's Create your shape program

Sign up now!

We get started on October 21st.


Feeling comfortable guestimating portions while eating out and being able to switch out my carb options is effortless.

I've learned so much about fueling my body and making sure I'm eating enough to lift and create the body/shape that I want. I used to hate the process but honestly now I kind of enjoy it. It's consistency, not perfection and a continuous process/lifestyle.

Happy to experience a vacation and birthday and not be stressed out. It blows my mind how much more I am eating. My clothes are fitting better and I’m feeling more confident in my crop tops and bathing suit. Lighter periods with almost no symptoms and I'm not craving all the sweets like I normally do.


Topics we touch on...


Create Your Plate

Nutrition Strategy

Energy Balance

Meal Prepping

Nutrition Labels

Nutrition Vacation

Eating Out

Nutrient Timing

PMS Symptoms

Events with Free Food

Finding Simple Recipes

Mind Muscle Connection

Comparing Diets

Posing For Photos

Breathwork / Mind Management

Optimizing Workouts

Training Guidance

The Scale


Building a Booty / Abs

Functional Medicine Approach


Improved Performance

The Investment

This is a 1x payment of $3,000 for the 4-month program. This is not a meal plan you forget about, this is a complete reframe of nutrition and how you make decisions every single day. It will change how you feel in your skin and the quality of your days for the rest of your life.

My ladies treat this program as a college course. The one they wish they had where they receive exactly what to implement, get the education for why, and receive professional coaching along the way.

Create Your Shape is the ONLY fitness program you will ever need to invest in for the rest of your life! Once you master and understand the true knowledge behind what your body needs in order to create your desired shape, you will never go on any kind of diet ever again! This program is SO valuable and is by far the best investment you'll ever make in your nutrition/fitness journey!


I'm a firm believer in the adage "an investment in knowledge pays the best interest". An investment in knowledge is exactly what you are doing in the Create Your Shape program. When I first started working with Jenny, I thought I was doing everything I needed to look and feel my best. I was eating "clean", working out 6-7 days a week, and adding in extra activities like running. However, I was tired and hungry all the time. Jenny was the first person ever to tell me I wasn't eating enough, I was too strict with my intake, and I wasn't giving my body enough time to recover between workouts. Throughout this program, Jenny has helped me work up to a sustainable intake (I'm eating 3,000+ calories, ladies!), encouraged me to pursue my fitness goals, and always provided me with sound, constructive feedback. Jenny's program and coaching style will put you in the "driver's seat" - she's there to give you direction, but you're the one in control here! The ladies in Create Your Shape grow in their nutrition knowledge, apply what they learn each week, and evaluate their implementation of the program's topics. This cycle of learn, apply, and evaluate is a critical component of the program and ensures that you get the most out of your investment. The knowledge I have gained throughout this program will serve me for the rest of my life - whether I am tracking macros or not!

Jenny H


When are calls? I work and live in a different time zone.

The calls are typically Monday night and consider all US time zones. It is encouraged but not required to attend the calls live. The replays will be immediately available and additional coaching/questions on the replay are available. I always have ladies join in different time zones, or that have conflicts that have no trouble getting the learnings and coaching needed.

How much time each week?

This program requires about 1.5 hours per week.  1 hour for the weekly call and 30 minutes to complete the check-in and apply the new tools and coaching.  At the same time, I teach the structure and system to be the most efficient when it comes to planning, prepping, eating, training, etc.  You will save time and mental energy throughout your week.

How much access do I have to you? How do we communicate and ask questions?

 I, Jenny, am the CEO and only coach that will be personally updating your plan and in communication with you.  Outside of your weekly check-in, our weekly call, your personalized updates, and our Facebook group, you also have complete access to me for any personalized questions.

Do I provide workouts? What kind of training guidance?

While it is a requirement to already be working out to join the Create Your Shape program, I will be providing guidance to optimize your training. We will have a 1x1 call specifically to review your training, where I suggest a program, or ways to optimize your current training, that aligns with your goal shape, performance, schedule, equipment access, level, and joy.

What are expectations from me? How perfect do I need to be?

There will be varying levels of effort, which I will teach you the reasons behind why.  The majority of the program will be in the lifestyle phase. During this time I expect you to hit targets 80% of the time, NOT be perfect, and I will teach you how to eat out, go to events, have vacations, and still be directional with your goals.  I will share how to balance treats, drinks, and processed food in weekly.

Will I gain fat if I eat more?

When you increase your intake slowly with a strategy you will not gain fat. Instead, you will gain muscle, have more energy, let go of body fat, start changing your body composition, and have a lot more flexibility!

Can I eat with my family? My husband does the cooking?

Of course, you can eat with your family!  You will be eating normal foods, you'll just need to be mindful of the portions you're having, which I guide you to what that looks like.

Client Transformations
Jaime - Front | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Jaime - Side | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

I can honestly tell you that this is the best money and time that I have invested in myself in years.

Jaime Back |Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

I have learned how to approach food to be healthy, but still enjoy it and feel no guilt. I have gained back much needed self confidence and Love what I see when I look in the mirror. I owe all of that to Jenny and her Create Your Shape program. She was there every step of the way, talked me through the hows and whys of healthy eating and was so passionate that you couldn't help but be excited and inspired. Never once did I feel deprived or like I was missing out on eating things, because nothing was ever really off limits. I would recommend this program to anyone, any time with no reservations. I can honestly say this is has been a life changing experience for me, sounds a bit dramatic I know, but it is the truth.


Thank you for making this process so fun and so easy for me! Thank you for giving me the tools and understanding I need to do this now successfully!! I came to you not knowing how to fuel my body for what I was doing and now I am confident in knowing when to change things ups and by how much! You’re so great at what you do and I am so happy I put my trust in you!! And even happier to have gotten a friend out of this whole process!!! Best two years working with you!! You’re truly amazing! Thank you.


You’re so great at what you do and I am so happy I put my trust in you!

Sydney - Back | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Sydney - Front | Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Karli Mae - Side Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Karli Mae - Front Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

I loved this program! It’s life changing to help you for the rest of your life!

Karli Mae - Back Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

I loved this program! I told my friends this weekend they need to take it! It’s fun, simple, informative and life changing to help you for the rest of your life! And getting to talk to you/see your face every week is something I looked forward to!  I would not have looked half as good and felt so confident in my wedding dress without this program! Thank you for everything Jenny!!


Jenny has truly changed my life!

Thank you so much for everything along this journey. You have truly changed my life! What you have taught me, the guidance you’ve given me has been priceless. The peace of mind, confidence, and just overall reassurance that life doesn’t have to be this constant up and down about feeling or falling backwards on your diet.   You have such a wonderful preogram - you truly make this a LIFE STYLE. That is ACHIEVABLE, MAINTAINABLE, and WORKS.    I’m SO excited to continue to apply the knowledge you’ve given me, and honestly I will prob sign up with you again in a few months LOL. I love the changes i see in my body and am excited to see where else it can go!


Amy Booty Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Amy Back Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |
Amy front Create your shape with Jenny the Nutritionist |

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