The Real Foods Scale is my visual concept to help decide which foods serve you.
“I eat fairly healthy but I’m not seeing results”. There is so much to question when I hear this, especially what the quality of your food looks like!
Imagine a sliding scale like pictured above.
All the way on the right side we have non-processed, and what we’ll call quality Real Foods. I classify these as foods that have been directly pulled out of the ground, pulled off of trees, or fresh meats and fish. They are nutrient dense (high in fiber, minerals, or vitamins) and non-processed. Examples include steak, salmon, bell peppers, avocado, potatoes, mixed nuts.
All the way on the left side we have extremely processed foods. These foods have been stripped of their nutrients (fiber, vitamins, or minerals), and a lot of sugar and or chemicals are added. Examples include most desserts and candy like donuts, ice cream, skittles, cake, etc.
Every food can be placed somewhere on this sliding scale.
As you move away from the right and towards the left, the food becomes more and more processed.
80-90% of the time, I suggest choosing foods that are considered Real Non-processed foods. Limit your snacks, toppings, sauces, or occasional alternatives, that can fall in the middle of the scale, at 10-20% of your intake. Then infrequently sprinkle in those treats for fun!
Always ask yourself, how was this piece of food created? What process did it go through and where does it fit on this sliding scale.